Passing the Time while under "House Arrest"...
I'm still working - albeit not too much - but my trade has been considered "essential", and I have an Ausweis from the Company while travelling. Fired up the "Skunkworks" model shop. Started working on a '67 Impala SS kit. (One of the kits Bryan gifted to me awhile ago) The goal is my 1st real diorama. The...
John D
GM Cousin 5 speed Snowball swap
The forum needs some shock therapy these days...so thought I'd post a few things on the 442 Tremec TKO600 swap project even thought it's not a Chevelle, but a close cousin and we're getting other posts on non-Chevelle projects these days. Hank and I talked each other into the Tremec TKO600 5 s...
55 Chevy project
I had a couple vacation days to burn up at work, and I'm losing access to Dad's paint booth in a month, so I decided this weekend was a good time to shoot the '55 and make it all one color. Cale helped scuff and mask it all, AJ helped wipe down, and Dad sprayed it.A few areas where I lightly buffed the old laquer...
Need Help with some detailed Pictures from your 70-72
trying to wrap up the build and need to see what the top of your quarter paned door jam area look like. not sure how the inner panel laps over or under this rubber seal so please make it a really close up view also need to see the wind-lace top in the view attached also need to see the inside bottom where the tri...
Pick a color
A Couple years ago i painted my 70 Chevelle black. There’s a few areas I want to correct in the paint so the car is on the rotisserie and I’m gonna shoot the whole thing again. I am doing a nut and bolt restoration on this car and sell it. So my question is of the given combinations what would you pick if the car...
Tim H
Re-conditioned body mount & bumper hardware & bushings along with fuel tank & tank straps.
Finished up all the re-conditioning, now to weld in the trunk panels. Welding practice starts when I get back from my trip to Louisville. Soaked the bushings in CRL and they look new. All bolts, washers, & nuts blasted primed and treated. Waiting on the hood, which Chris works on in his spar time...
jim larson
Exhaust suggestions
I have been refurbishing many of the parts for the chassis and drive train well as buying the rest of the parts I need to put my 70 Chevelle together starting next week. I am am down to buying the exhaust pipes and mufflers. My engine is a 502 with manual transmission. I am going with 3” pipes and running t...
Tim H
Not fun
Starting to strip the hood. Hope there are no surprises. So far top coat blue, then a yellow, under that another yellow. Tomorrow should yield even more. Going to take a couple of gallons. -- Edited by jim larson on Thursday 23rd of January 2020 06:48:42 PM
jim larson
LED Projector Headlights
Shortly before Street Machine Nats Hank and Jon H helped install my new Dapper Lighting Sevens LED headlights with Halo. Might be more accurate to say we helped Hank as he was the wiring guy on the project. Mitch assisted at the Nats with some of his metal magic to the headlight bucket so I could aim the li...
Lazy persons frame repair
Mitch had a thread showing his artistry on a Jeep. On a retail Insurance repair we usually end up replacing the entire frame, or if there is a factory supplied repair section we have done that. This is the typical approach, note specialized, custom fabricated engine lift frame. P.S. the angle iron use...
more ambition than brains
Giving up and going the easy route
Time to just give up with all of the projects on hand. I had talked to a friend who asked if the money for the Vette-Kart would be better spent on the wagon. So with a 17 y/o son who has all ambition and a summer free to work on the wagon that's the plan. Aaron is taking welding in school so he gets to practice sti...
Dave Seitz
BBC Headers
Hi guys and gals, I am looking for some help / information on headers. I am trying to get my 70 Chevelle completed. It has a big block with a rock crusher manual transmission. So as I sit here and try to recover from the flu I thought I would take a look to see what you guys are up to and ask for some help. I’m l...
Tim H
Install of Fusible Links
I don't know if others are i n the same situation or not. My understanding is that unless you install fusible links in certain position your could burn some of your components or your entire electrical system. The first fusible links were installed in the 1967 Chevelle. So I am adding them to my 66...
jim larson
66 Sherman trunk panels & Rear Crossmember repositioning
Well I got the Sherman trunk panels. Not sure what all will have to be used, made in us, guage 19. Appear to be match except for a little 3/4 circular hole with a rubber grommet on R & L side panels and a 5” raised area that gives the panel add Ed strength. Maybe GM had mor e than one supplier and some had t...
jim larson
2019 highlight reel
After 2018s multiple expensive breakages, we fixed the body damage, did some front suspension upgrades, and had the LS1-383 rebuilt. It was mid-June before the car was ready to go, but as you may remember, I didn't miss much as it rained pretty much all of May and June... You may notice the checklist...
'06 Mailbu repair
Lost in the 60s
Convertible door guide question
Geting ready to put these back in, glad to find this picture of which side one each goes on. My question is, that since new ones come with shims... and mine did not have shims... and the doors and door gaps have changed... what is the gap or level of contact to shoot for? Appreciate any first han...
5 Speed Upgrade
This past summer, I was starting to have some issues with M20 in the Chevelle. One issue that became pretty regular was when you put the car in reverse, reverse was spinning. To get the car into reverse, I would have to shut it off, put it in reverse and then start it back up. Another issue was the tranny...
Need Ignition Help
I have run up against a wall with my skills, tools, and knowledge to trouble-shoot my ignition (so I think) issue. Admittedly I have not had/dedicated much time in late summer/fall to work on the issue. I'd like to try to get this engine started before the winter or at least diagn...
Not a Chevelle but,still an A Body Cousin-The Malibu is gone...
It's been 3 years since I got the Malibu in St. Louis, so you guessed it...it's time to switch it up! I had someone offer me good money for the Malibu at the Anoka show about 3 weeks ago, but I lost his number and he never called me back. So after thinking more about selling it, I ended up selling it to Route 6...
Potentialy helpful hint for front end reassembly
Thought this may be helpful for someone else. As I started to reassemble the front end, it was nice to se the reminder that was taged for the Emergency Brake. It is possible to do this with the fender, hinges and hood on, it seems to be easiest to replace the vent/kick panel, then E-Brake pedal and then the...
AC Redo 3.0
Last September when I drove the Malibu to Kansas City, the AC gave out after 5 continuous hours of operation due to losing all the freon through a cracked weld on the back of the hose going into the compressor. That 383 shook things to death, and even broke the hose bracket weld, so it was under a lot of vib...
Another Project car Vette-Kart
Did some online trading with a guy who took the absolute worst pictures of a C4 Corvette. By the time I drove up to the Canadian border it seemed I was to far to turn back. Loaded up the biggest pile of crap C4 Corvette you have ever scene, well at least the tires are new. The new tires are old and cracked so wo...
Dave Seitz
Hemi engine failure
My wife’s Durango decided to lose oil pressure about three weeks ago. Luckily she shut it down right away and I towed it home. In the weeks prior it had started making a rattling noise at about 2500 rpm and at one point it developed a miss on #1 cylinder for a short time and then went away. Out came the engine...
Youtube videos by cartapes
I needed a little help a while back when I started putting my front end back together and found this series of instructional videos. If you have never seen any of them take a look as they are really pretty good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGBZ3IH3sYI
4-door Chevelle
Managed to bring home a project myself as well...
Ive been after this car for over a month now. Finally this past weekend me and the seller were finally able to line up our schedules & im as giddy as a school girl to get this thing home in my shop.Its a 1961 Pontiac Bonneville Sport Coupe. Pontiacs version of the bubble top. However this car doesn't ha...
Chris R
Leaking Radiator
Well I finally got the Elky into the garage to do some annual maintenance on it and I screwed up. I set a quart of oil on top of the radiator as a reminder that the oil was draining and the engine was dry. Well somehow, that quart of oil fell off over night and knocked into my radiator at the bottom and tonight w...
LED Tail Light Project
I decided to make a safety upgrade by installing LED tail lights, and found these on ebay made by upauto.com and replaced both the brake/tail and reverse light buckets. Easy install since they have the bulb ends already installed and while I bought the kit with the new flasher, everything worked wit...
Some rear suspension work
Finally got motivated and I seem to like punishing myself by tearing into the car the weekend before SMN's...and replaced the upper control arms with the ones I had boxed and the lower boxed ones I had bought, new bushings for the diff, along with a set of QA1 single adjustable coil overs and an anti-swa...
more enjoyable to drive now
So I turned my coilers down a bit to less track oriented, and with the addition of dash speakers (S&M Electrotech, aka www.turnswitch.com ) it seems a lot more like a normal car to drive again. I really have missed the other cars I had, which I never twice thought about taking anywhere. This one I sti...