Reputable restoration shop for 68 Chevelle?
A guy I know is looking for someone to do a full restoration of his 68 SS396 Chevelle. The car is currently driver-quality and was painted in the early 80s by my uncle Terry for my uncle Lenny who recently sold it to a friend of my uncle Gene. New owner basically wants a full restoration, but doesn't have t...
LED Upgrade - Late Model (new truck)
www.superbrightleds.com Back in the day when I was building LED taillight stuff, these were the guys I bought my raw materials from. Back then they were primarily "raw" component dealers, but now they are one of the major players in anything LED. Using their vehicle fitment guide, I orde...
John D
'Borrowed' another great idea from JD
When JD stopped over last weekend, I had to check out his sweet new truck, and when he was showing me a few additions he had made, one of the coolest additions was something I've never seen, but maybe others know about this $30 add on that I think is so cool and makes owning a truck that much better. John had i...
LED Tail Light Upgrade for the Vert
I bought the rear LED light kit at Car Craft from Easy Performance (Small Michigan private company www.easyperformance.com), and finally got in the right mood to put them in as you have to remove the exhaust tips, rear valance, and rear bumper assembly in order to get to the back of the light buckets. ...
1947 Ford coupe project at work
I've been getting told for 3 years that this was my "next" project....yeah right. The shop owner was in FL and wouldn't get back until noon, so I dug it out and tore it apart this morning... They took this in in '09, had it sand blasted and did a rear spring relocation conversion and...
Lost in the 60s
Heater box rebuild.. foam?
I took the heater box apart on the DisAstre and the foam padding on the air doors had completely disintegrated... Any Idea where to get new stuff? It is just closed cell foam... right?
Tony Hoffer
Projects underway at Leno's "Big Dog Garage"
I'm really envious of this guy... he may not be a grease-under-the-fingernails "gearhead", but he's a gearhead. Using his financial means to provide work for craftsmen, preserve classics, or build neat stuff!! http://youtu.be/ZjOfJTloxfM
John D
'66 Malibu trunk floor
I'm getting side tracked from the SS restoration for a while. The Malibu I bought didn't have a trunk floor or, obviously, a fuel tank. I have been running it on a 2 gallon gas can on the passenger floor with a long hose to the fuel pump. After I brought it home from Centerline, I decided to install the floor...
Lost in the 60s
Replacing the original finish on a hold Holley Carb
Has anyone had any experience or know of someone that has experience with this Carb Restoration Service? Carb Re-Color Seem reasonable at $85 plus shipping both ways. I looked into what it would cost to get a set up from Casswell plating and it looks to be cost prohibited; but also looks to be an int...
jim larson
Turn Signal Switch
I am replacing the turn signal switch in my Malibu because the 4 way flasher switch is broken inside. I started looking around and can only find an updated style AC Delco D6211 or others similar. My flasher switch has a chrome knob on it not the newer plastic round style. It doesn't look as though I c...
Chris S
Eaton or Auburn Posi???????????????
Looking for input. Biskwick 12 Bolt Diffi. Going to have Moser build one. So many choices, will not Drag this car. Aggressive street use on occasion. Preferences Karl
more ambition than brains
Just scored a 2013 impala L77 take out for my 67 vert
Efficent and safe removal of undercoating... what worked for you?
I am at that point that I need to figure out how to get the underside of the car cleaned to bare metal. Ive heard that blasting wont penetrate the factory undercoating very well and need to know how you guys have done yours and what works and what doesn't. Scaler? Heat and scraper, chemicals, someone for h...
Tony Hoffer
November News Letter
Bryan, I just finished reading your November newsletter, as always great job. I think our work benches date back to ledges on the cave wall, so I found your workbench article very interesting.Could you show and explain more about how your drill press is integrated into the bench top. Thanks, I'm in t...
The "40 Watt Garage" may go up to 400 watts!
1 2 3
Talked to the "war dept/finance director/keeper of the checkbook" and got approval for some upgrades this spring!
John D
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Lost in the 60s
67 a/c vent
Does anyone have a decent dash center a/c vent ? or does anyone repo them ?
Working on the '67 GTO
Lost in the 60s
New garage toy
Just picked this up over the weekend. Tried it out for the first time tonight. I like it!!!
Anyone converted alternator from external to internal regulator?
So when I went to leave the St. Peter show this afternoon, the 'Gen' idiot light stayed on all the way home. I checked the voltage at the battery with the car running, and it was 11.9V. Turned on the headlights, and it was 11.7V, so assuming the alternator took a dump since the voltage didn't go up as it sh...
Thoughts On This Idea?
I'm in the process of building a new detached garage which will be directly across from the current attached garage. Instead of having one air compressor in each, moving a portable from one to the other, or dragging a long hose between them, I was thinking about burying a copper pipe for a permanent ai...
Back in Black
Winter project
Got a good deal on these seats. 175.00 at F.L.A.P. They need to be recovered and new seat buns. The swivels work and they move forward and back. Good winter project install dynomat, carpet, have seats recovered and install headliner
My PB seem a little soft. Looking for help on the procedure to bleed lines.
I rebuilt the MC last winter and also had a guy in CA rebuild and re-plate the Booster last winter. I think I may have a little air in the lines, as I did not bleed the lines. I tired not to let air in when I removed the MC; but who knows. I refilled and bleed the MC on the bench before putting it back on the c...
jim larson
WANTED: Stock steel stamped rocker arm
With the move and downsizing I don't even have a rocker arm laying around. I just had the socket split apart on the #7 exhaust side. Soooo....if you have a spare or two laying around I would like to pick them up sometime soon as this is my only transportation right now. Speaking of transportation I am shop...
4-door Chevelle
Power Steering install.
I finished a project I have been working on for a while. After reading about the Grand Cherokee steering box upgrade I decided to put power steering in the car. I am tired of the 4 turns lock to lock of the stock manual steering. I went to U-pull right by the house and got a steering box, got a power steeri...
Chris S
The finer details
After getting the vert back on the road last year, there are a few small things that jump out at me every time I look at it that still need to be finished or improved. One of those things is the Engine Starting Procedure label that is on the top of the drivers visor, which is right at eye level with the top dow...
Jeep Grand Cherokee steering box conversion
Anyone done this conversion, did you like it, and do you have the list of pn's needed? I know Dashboard did this on his Buick, but he was working with metric power steering pump fittings already from the LS conversion, so it's a little different that I want to use the stock hoses. There is a ton of info on Te...
Engine swap on '66 (or, out with the 283 and in with the 327)
Last weekend I finally got around to starting a project that I have been working up to for some time - the engine and transmission swap in my 66 malibu ragtop "Loosie". (she got that name because her brakes are loosie, her steering is loosie, doors are loosie, etc. etc.) I managed to get the...
Goodbye 283, hello 350
Dad and I got the 283 and tranny pulled last night. Hopefully tonight the 350 will just "drop" right back into place. The block and headers are all painted up and looks pretty good. I have to say, without all the weight holding down the nose, it lifted the front up a lot. Gave it almost an old sch...
Car craft chevelle shifter
At car craft there was a tent with custom interiors somewhere behind where the club parked. There was a chevelle conv owned by a vikings lineman had his number on the dash, anyway it had a console shifter in it that curved down like the buick GS's had, does anyone know what it was or who makes it ?