I decided to address the worn carpet on the rear deck/package tray. It appears that this was maybe just an accessory? It was glued down in a couple corners and stapled down in others, not a big deal since the package tray itself is pretty rough. I had no idea how much had to be disassembled to get that out!
Now that the side panels are out I might as well replace the window felts/whiskers that are worn out as well.
Also going to pull the rear window trim and seal the 2 lower corners. I know there is a problem in there, been there since I got the car but I’m not welding window channels now. I just want to slow the water intrusion.
I planned to do some sound proofing on the floor also but I’m not going to pull up all that original gooey stuff just to install another brand. I wasn’t aware there would be that much already in the car. I may do some behind the rear seat and package tray area since I’m there.
The carpet must be something that was available aftermarket, or Jim had custom made, and it is very nicely done, but the cardboard you found under it is what came from the factory.