The show is at both Withrows and Sal's Angus Grill
Good show, I always try to make this one.
Bob W.
Lino Lakes
Can't seem to find it. It was the 23rd last year, so maybe the 22nd this year? Would be a nice sunday drive from lake city.
Jim L
Lake City
It's on Facebook. The link worked for me, but if you can't get it to work just do a search for "Withrow Car and Tractor Show".
Hope to see you there Jim and anyone else.
We'll be in Amana IA for the wife's birthday weekend. If we weren't there, we would be moving, still, anyway...
Mitch D. River Falls, WI
Lifetime member of the "Cars apart Club"
1966 Chevelle SS 396 M20
1970 Chevelle SS 396 M20
1967 Camaro SS/RS 350 M20