There are 4 tiers of users that can use or access the Discussion Forum:
1- Web Surfer - Joe/Jane Gearhead stumbles across us doing a web-search. They can see & read the "public" areas of the forum, but cannot comment on, nor post new messages/threads. (Member's Only & Officers areas are not displayed)
2 - Registered User - Joe/Jane likes our site, and wants to interact. They submit register online to join the forum.(Not the Club). Once approved by the webmaster, they can interact, read, reply, and start new threads. (Member's Only & Officers areas are not displayed)
3 - Member - Joe/Jane would like to join the Northstar Chevelle Club. They fill out the mail-in the form & pay the annual dues. When the webmaster gets notice from the Treasurer, "Member's Only" areas are enabled for them. (Officers area is not displayed)
4 - Officer - This is a Club member who occupies an administrative role in the Club. There are "Officer's Only" areas of the forum for discussion, planning, finance, etc. only visible to officers, no-one else.