Anybody want to meet up and head over tomorrom?
Chris P East Central, Mn
66 Chevelle 300 deluxe
Kathy and I will be going.
Weather look good.
Bob W.
Lino Lakes
I plan to go.
I’m up for meeting somewhere and riding together.
Chris S.
Oak Grove
'68 Malibu (His)
'68 442 (Hers)
We're a maybe. Driving the Z28 to Red Wing for some wine time. I'll keep an eye on this post, and if we get back in time, maybe we'll meet up.
Stan S.-Twin Cities 'South Metro'
1972 Malibu Convertible 2nd time around
2001 Mustang GT Convertible
Forum influenced terms: 'Link Paste', 'Stanitized', & 'Revolving garage door...'