Hey: I was sitting back and thinking about this for a while NOW! Who ever can or who's in our web master or in charge of this site. I think it would be a good Idea to post a car of the Month. Not by votes or your Favorite. Just any car in the Club. Make it a special page for just that. Or even as our FRONT page. Someone's car and a little about it and the owner. Like 67 Chevelle 502 ? 455 HP and the owner is ****. I think Mr Delke could do that with Ease. Or even Our VP. Just pick out any members car for the the month with picture and some kind words. Finished or not. In Progress cars. Anything you can get. Doesn't always have to be a finished , polished Beauty. Hell even Stan's car that all apart before he can sell it for another one . I'm just saying.. So what do you think ? It will give us something to look at and talk about on here.