For those attending the Bowtie Brunch Saturday, we will have a quick mini-meeting to cover a proposal to revise the meeting schedule section in our Bylaws.
Here is the current verbiage:
Section I. Meetings & Events
Regular Club meetings are held each month with the exception of the month of December unless otherwise decided by a majority petition submitted by the membership. The location of the meeting will be decided by a majority vote of the Officers, including suggestions of the membership."
Due to the strong interest and participation on the 2011 Holiday Party, the 2012 Officers are proposing that we add the following verbiage in this section:
"The Club has the option to sponsor and host a December Holiday party for an amount up to but not exceeding $250. Club funds can be spent for room/hall rental, appetizers, and non-alcoholic beverages."
This amendment will be proposed to the members that are present, and voted on during our mini-meeting Saturday.
We will hold the mini-meeting after lunch before any of the demonstrations have started. Hopefully, this will only take a few minutes, and then we can move onto the fun stuff and getting our hands dirty!
Thank you,
Stan S.-Twin Cities 'South Metro'
1972 Malibu Convertible 2nd time around
2001 Mustang GT Convertible
Forum influenced terms: 'Link Paste', 'Stanitized', & 'Revolving garage door...'