At this point... having a June meeting is still being discussed by the officers.
By default, the North St. Paul cruise-in on the 24th is our official club gathering. It's tough to have a meeting there since we have to 'man' the barricades as part of our 'club of the night' duties.
During the summer months, everyone is very busy and it's hard to get folks to a meeting.
I'm open to having club 'gatherings' during June (No. St. Paul), July (Car Craft), and Aug. (NCC/MSMA Show) instead of actual meetings if everyone is o.k. with that.
Stan S.-Twin Cities 'South Metro'
1972 Malibu Convertible 2nd time around
2001 Mustang GT Convertible
Forum influenced terms: 'Link Paste', 'Stanitized', & 'Revolving garage door...'