As happens every calendar year, the password used to access "protected" documents (such as the Club Roster) will change.
Also, current members that have not renewed for 2024 will have "members only" access removed from their account, and will revert to "registered user" status.
This update will happen on February 1st.
(Member renewals received after this date will have their access updated as soon as the webmaster is notified by the Treasurer and Secretary.)
Yesterday evening I received the latest membership list from the Secretary.
Access to the "Members Only" areas of the Forum has been edited to reflect paid 2024 members of the Northstar Chevelle Club. Also, the password required to view the Membership Roster, or sensitive Club documents (on the Website) has been changed.
Within a few days you will be receiving an email message (sent to the email address supplied on your membership form) containing the 2024 document password.
**Check the "Spam/Junk/Suspect" folder on your email program**
If you have not paid your 2024 Membership Dues, your access (here) has been reduced to the "Registered User" level.