Well, good to see you Bruce even if it was in passing I think on Cedar Ave.?
We turned around after we saw you in the wagon and headed over to our daughter's place since we at the tail end of the cruise and it was starting to fall apart at that point. Still fun though
Stan S.-Twin Cities 'South Metro'
1972 Malibu Convertible 2nd time around
2001 Mustang GT Convertible
Forum influenced terms: 'Link Paste', 'Stanitized', & 'Revolving garage door...'
Ya, the route was a little disjointed and we were out fairly early with the 4 granddaughters.
We decided to go backwards on the route to look for you, taking the long way home. only saw 2 or 3 cars after yours.
The night turned out to be pretty nine weather wise, but the rain earlier kept the count down.