Haven't decided yet. There's a show in Prescott too on Sat., so might go there.
The biggest thing I don't like about the JJ show, is they park the cars tandem 3 deep almost bumper to bumper, so unless you're the front guy, you are stuck and not able to leave if you don't want to stay for the whole show.
Stan S.-Twin Cities 'South Metro'
1972 Malibu Convertible 2nd time around
2001 Mustang GT Convertible
Forum influenced terms: 'Link Paste', 'Stanitized', & 'Revolving garage door...'
Didn't think about the Prescott show. One could go there for the afternoon and then swing by Hastings. I will most likely do that now. On the JJ Show, looks like you will also park next to the Rodeo show.